Wednesday, October 28, 2009


The first half is the easiest. We start with momentum on our side. We start with clarity about where we are going. Early on we face challenges and obstacles, and need to make adjustments. We face unforeseen detours. We have to adjust our plans.

By the time we get half way, we have often forgotten what we are doing and why. The percentage of things that get started and never get finished is very high. Our lives are strewn with half-finished jobs, half-accomplished goals and half-fulfilled commitments.

The second half takes relentless perseverance, courageous determination and sustained passion. But it's worth it. Finishing has the most payoffs. Finishing is what brings return on our investment.

Where do you need to re-group and re-fire your passion and make sure you don't stop part way there? Maybe you need to make adjustments and changes but that doesn't mean you need to leave it off altogether. Remember why you started in the first place, rethink how you can get there and make the appropriate adjustments. Then let's get going and get this thing done!

Hosea 7:8 "The people of Israel mingle with godless foreigners, making themselves as worthless as a half-baked cake!"

Gal. 6.9 "So let us not become tired of doing good; for if we do not give up, the time will come when we will reap the harvest."