Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Great Books of October

Well, I read some great books in October; maybe a few of them would be good reads for you too.

The Unofficial Guide to Disneyland – Bob Sehlinger - Yup, not very spiritual, I know. But it was a very well written book. If you're planning a trip there, this is a must read. Recommended to us by very good friends.

7 Practices of Effective Ministry – Andy Stanley  - This guy's leadership stuff is the best I have ever heard. Check out his leadership podcasts! We took our staff through this book over 6 months of slow, careful discussion and reading and planning. Great stuff.

Everyone is Normal Until You Get to Know Them – John Ortberg - This is some of the best material I know of on building Biblical Community. God's dream for His church! The other book that should be a companion to this one is "Life Together" by Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

Your People Shall Be My People – Don Finto - A good read. This guy's heart is warm, genuine and definitely comes out as you read his book.

Faith and Doubt – John Ortberg - This book rocked my world and strengthened my faith. This is his latest book; I read everything this guy writes. It's awesome!

A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 – Phillip Keller - This is a classic. Well worth reading several times over.

The War of Love – Frank Laubauch - An oldie. Written as a call to social justice. Laubauch is one of recent Christian history's greats.

Soul Cravings – Erwin McManus - WOW! Want a window into your own soul? Curious about faith but not sure yet what you believe? Excellent!

Emotional Intelligence 2.0 – Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves - Ouch. This book reveals so much of my lack of EI it's scary...but good. An area I must continually grow in.

The Old Testament - The Book of all Books. Amazing to me how little Christ's followers actually read it through. Sure enjoyed it again this round. Or maybe 'enjoyed' isn't the right word. Pain, excitement, discomfort, adventure...those would be better words to describe the journey of reading this book with the Holy Spirit. I give it a 10/10.