The story is told of a missionary who was once teaching a tribe in Africa. “Christians,” he said, “give gifts to others as an expression of their joy. In giving to others, they celebrate Christ’s birthday and the gift that He is to mankind.”
The missionary probably wondered if his teachings were understood. He needn’t have worried. On Christmas morning one of the natives presented the missionary with a beautiful seashell. When asked where he discovered such an extraordinary shell, the native said he had walked many miles to a certain bay, the only spot where such shells could be found.
“I think it was wonderful of you to travel so far to get this lovely gift for me”, the teacher exclaimed. His eyes brightening, the native replied, “Long walk part of gift.”
The greatest gift of Christmas is the gift God gave of Himself. The long walk from heaven to earth was part of the gift He gave. He is the Word made flesh. Manifest here and now for you and me. Will you open and receive His awesome Gift to you today?