On Monday this week our church held our first annual May Long Weekend City Wide BBQ. The idea for the event was only a few weeks before the event so we were scrambling to make it happen. But...
1. Several businesses offered their support in sponsoring the event to help raise fund for the Riverside Mission in Moose Jaw. This added credability to the event and made it more fun and motivating to work hard and organize for those who were on the event team.
2. Our church stepped up. Dozens of people in our church found useful jobs they were good at and served. How cool is that? To see the Body of Christ doing excactly what scipture descibes, everyone using their gifts to serve! Leaders stepped up and led, organizers organized, cleaners cleaned, cooks cooked, fun people made it fun...wow, everyone doing what they are good at means everyone having fun and excellent service.
3. The local radio station and website http://www.discovermoosejaw.com/ did an awesome job of coming on site and promoting the event. We could not have had such a great event without there being a community minded organization like this that promotes healthy communities and helps us all connect and work together. Great job by them.
4. The weather was unbeleivably perfect. Holding an event on May Long Weekend is a risky thing. It can rain quite easily. Even though the forcast was for rain, the rain stopped in the morning so we could get set up and the sun came out for the few hours we held the event. Then the rain continued on in the evening. We couldn't have asked for better BBQ weather. We did pray for good weather so we would like to thank God for that, although we know there are likely hundreds of other factors involved.
5. The community of Moose Jaw participated. Over 800 people with over $2000 raised for the Soup Kitchen. What a show of support from the community of Moose Jaw. It's great to live in a city like that! We are proud of our great city.
6. It was the first of an annual event. We hope it will be bigger and better next year with even more support from local businesses and the community. If you have a business and would like to sponsor next years event please contact us at info@victorymj.com
7. How great when a plan comes together. Not every plan works out so well. We have events that flop, that are disorganized or don't get supported like we would hope, that get rained out or that lose money instead of helping out....when those things happen it's good to regroup, complain a bit, pray, learn and try again. But when a plan comes together like it did this week. It's good to be thankful and celebrate.