July was a pretty darn good reading month. Looking over this list makes me wish I was still in July. So does all the "back to school" stuff at Wal-Mart.
The Divine Mentor - Wayne Cordiero
This is an unbelievably great book. It is next month's book club book. This guy is one of my life's heroes. This book's message changed my life. If I could get 3 messages out to my church today (the church of the whole world), this would be one of them.
Healing Life’s Hurts - John Baker
I was so inspired and encouraged by this book. A Biblical look at how God still changes lives and sets people free. Based around "Celebrate Recovery" and the stories of people who have lives that look beyond recovery and yet by God's grace and following His ways they find freedom. If you know someone caught up in addictions of any kind, read this book, it will give you hope.
Simple Church - Thom Rainer and Eric Geiger
Excellent material. Recommended to me by a wise pastor. I am thankful I read it, now...to apply it!
Essential Church - Reclaiming a Generation of Dropouts - Thom and Sam Rainer
An insightful look at young adults today and what reaches them.
The One-Life Solution - Dr. Henry Cloud
Awesome stuff on boundaries from a business person's perspective.
The Search For Significance - Robert S. McGee
A classic on what really drives and motivates people, what is essentially broken about the human nature and God's answers. This is a life-changer.
Velvet Elvis - Rob Bell
I really liked this book. Despite all the controversy around it, I thought it was great.
First Love - John MacArthur
So solid. So full of God's Word. So straight forward. I like MacArthur, even if he doesn't like Rob Bell. :-)
Have a New Kid by Friday - Kevin Leman
A fun read. Tough stuff to implement. I will be working on this stuff for a while. Good thing I have a great church that is walking me through a video series of the same material.
Follow Me - Jan Hettinga
This is one of the best presentations of true Christianity I have ever read. It is a tough read but excellent.