I have been reflecting on this verse lately and it seems to be calling out to me to have bigger vision.
“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” Eph 3:20
Those are some pretty big words and they contain some very powerful thoughts.
Exceedingly: ex·ceed·ing·ly - To an advanced or unusual degree; extremely. To an extreme degree, extremely
Abundantly: a·bun
dant·ly - marked by great plenty, amply supplied, plentifully; in abundance
Above all
That we ask or think: I can think up some pretty great stuff, but God's plan for us is FAR greater than what we can think up or ask for
According to the power that works in us - there is a very important piece. This is what God is going to do in and through us. This is not some lighting from the sky and zap, your life is different. This is God working in you and then God using you. One of the amazing things about the work of God in our lives is that He invites us to partner with Him in it. We are vessels of God's power. So many times we are just waiting for this "miracle" to drop from heaven...instead I believe God wants us to know the power that is already in us and for us to be the means by which God accomplishes the great things.
What areas of your life, city, church, etc. do you need to have a bigger vision for?
What can you do now with the power of God that is at work in you to see those visions become a reality?
As you move forward, God working with you, I believe you will see the promise in this verse fulfilled.