A little over a week ago I sent this e-mail to our church family.
This month has been filled with joys and sorrows, testimonies of God’s goodness and trials that tested our faith. It has been one of the most fruitful months of our church's history but it has also been emotionally and physically exhausting. This is the journey and adventure that God has us on. The more intently we engage in the battle, the more passionately we follow and pursue God’s plan, the more directly we engage our enemy, the more Victory Church becomes a glorious adventure that engages our best efforts, greatest joys and yes, some of our fiercest battles. Though it hasn’t been easy, I would way rather be in the battle and taking ground for our King than sitting around on our butts, consumed with our selfish agendas and doing nothing to advance the one Cause that matters on this planet. Here are some of the key things going on:
INCREASED INFLUENCE: September has included increased attendance at church with new singles, new families, new youth, many new young adults. Our church is increasingly becoming a place to check out in our city and area. This is such an exciting season and opportunity; many of those newcomers have made commitments to Christ at our services. Praise God. City newspapers have been calling and writing several articles about us and for us, city leaders and pastors have specifically come to me to tell me what a great influence our church is becoming in the city. Just this Friday as I was running errands and going to meetings I had several people whom I did not know tell me good things about our church. It’s not that revival has broken out, but more and more we are seeing the fruit of our prayers, our vision and our labours to be a church of irresistible influence in the city of Moose Jaw. It’s only the tip of the iceberg; so much more can and will happen as we launch out with God to be a blessing. To God be the glory.
RENEWED VISION: Power Conference, Dr. George Hill preached on a Sunday morning here, we had a CONNECT vision night...these converged together to renew our vision as a church to make disciples by reaching people so that they find Christ, teaching people so that they flourish in Christ and mobilizing people so that they become fruitful in Christ. We can only accomplish these things as we have God working in us and through us, work together as a team and each take responsibility for staying connected to the church ourselves and reaching out to those around us. One of the burdens on my heart lately is to invite those who have been sidelined (stopped attending church) for one reason or another back into the game. Maybe you know someone you could call and invite out to church, maybe you are reading this and wondering if you should come back... yes! We would love it, we need you to accomplish what God has for us here. Maybe you attend but only come once in awhile; we could increase our church attendance by 20% if our own people would just come regularly!
RAISING LEADERS: Once again many of our young leaders have been stepping up and serving wholeheartedly. God is in the business of taking ordinary people and developing them into warriors for Him. Let’s pray for the emerging leaders in our midst. Last Sunday when I preached on Moses being overwhelmed with the job of leading his people and God providing 70 leaders anointed to help I sensed God speaking and reassuring us that He is doing that in our midst!
RENOVATIONS: Our new sanctuary is finally complete and it has a totally new feel. More intimate, more focused, more clean and welcoming, and most of all, more of the presence and power of God. Last Sunday, from the parking lot to the prayer room to the opening song, the presence of God was tangible. So many discouraged people were strengthened and lifted, more people than I have ever seen were drawn into the worship (not just the front 3 rows but into the back as well). I believe this was only the beginning of what God is going to do in this new sanctuary. Can you envision with me the work God will do here? THIS SUNDAY IS THE OPENING AND DEDICATION OF THE NEW SANCTUARY and it will be a Sunday we will not forget for a long time. Please make it a priority to be there.
PASTOR DAVE MEYERS will be with us next week (Oct 10) as a special guest speaker and I hope you don’t miss it. I have listened to over 500 sermons preached by this man and always look forward to sitting under his ministry. The authenticity, anointing and humour of his preaching will bless you, so don’t miss this chance for God to nail you!
BLOWN AWAY BY THE SACRIFICE: More than anything else on my heart this week I have been blown away by the hard work and sacrifice of our people. Many of you serve and work for God in this church even when you are already at the end of your rope in the rest of your life. The hours, the sweat and tears, the prayers and the just plain sacrifice you make has blown me away and touched my heart this week more than ever. We all ought to be sooo thankful for those in our midst who are joyfully laying down their lives to make VCMJ a better place. Renovations, cleaning, media, leading ministries with excellence, these all take hard work and someone has to step up and just do it. That’s what’s been happening around this church by people who aren’t looking for credit and glory; they are simply serving because they want God to use them and God’s church to be blessed. Next time you see someone helping out in any way...say thank you!
We love you all so much and we are blessed to be your pastors. Thanks for your support and for running with the vision.
Pastor Dan and Marianna