The Books of October:
William Carey - Author?
This was a great book. Very inspiring. The sacrifices that men and women have made for the gospel are amazing. People who have made a significant difference with their lives seem to have been willing to lay it all down. I don't particularily get motivated to read biography but I have felt led by the Holy Spirit lately to read way more biography. I am glad for this leading; reading biography fills and inspires me.
Church Planting - Dr. George Hill
What a cool book by an even cooler person. This book may be the best book yet that I have read of Pastor George's. It distills so much of the wisdom that he lives by and shares with us. I read this book in one sitting and loved it.
Strategic Learning - Willie Peterson
This was a tough book in a genre that I am not used to reading. It was definitely very, very smart and very useful to any organization that needs to develop a strategic plan. The only thing for me was that it is almost too in-depth and complex. I felt a bit overwhelmed with the process he encourages organizations to use. The big take-away for me was that even if you have a great strategic plan right now that is working, it will not keep working indefinitely. We need to continually renew our strategy to stay fresh. Our past victories can become our downfall if we allow them to make us believe we can repeat them by simply doing the same things. In a changing environment we cannot expect the same results from the same actions.
Polarity Management in Congregations - Johnson
This book was brilliant. It was easy to read quickly since the first and last chapters are the only ones that need a thorough reading. The middle chapters are simple applications of the principle espoused. Polarity thinking has changed my thinking about leadership in the church and I am so thankful for being introduced to this concept. I think it could have saved me a lot of grief in the past and I pray it will save me a lot of grief in my future.
Vanya - Myrna Grant
A fun biography about a Russian soldier who experiences persecution and miracles in a communist country. I read it when I was a kid and loved it; my son recently read it and I thought I would give it another read to see how my perceptions have changed since I was a child. Fun.
Imagine God - H. Eric Fearman
Some cool stuff from a fellow Victory pastor.
Mini-books (4): Ministry Etiquette - Dr. George Hill; When Your Marriage is Sinking; What’s A Family For?; When Your Marriage is Sinking - Wayne Coreiro
The mini-book "When your marriage is sinking" is awesome.
Spiritual Rhythm - Mark Buchanan
Mark is baaaaack! I love this guy. He is more of an artisit than an author. Reading his stuff is like enjoying a great song or painting. It is good for my soul and makes me appreciate the artistic, soulful side of life. I have read everything he has written; I love it, and he is a fellow Canadian. Thanks, Mark, for the gift of this book; it was great. It is about learning how to handle the different seasons of life (winter, spring, summer, fall).
Beyond Rational Management - Robert Quinn
This book was tough at first but got great. It is about managing paradox (similar to polarity management). It offers some great models of different leadership and management styles and encourages us to master the skills of each so well that we can use the appropriate one at the right time. Rather than seeing one style as right and the others as wrong, it shows that each style has strengths and application if used in the right way at the right time. It also has some very cool tests to find out your own and your organizations strengths.
Just Walk Across the Room - Bill Hybels
I love this book. I wish every follower of Christ could read it. It is the second time I have read it and was blown away again.