These were some great books. Especially the last one.
The Book of Awesome - Neil Paricha
This is a great book and very worthwhile. Sort of a bathroom book that you could pick up and read anytime anywhere in the book and have fun. Neil has a great way of writing and helps us see all the fun moments in life. I laughed out loud many times and shared so much of this book with my family that they were probably sick of it by the time I was done reading it. Awesome!
Furnace of Renewal - George Mallone
This was an interesting older book on the church and how to keep it renewed. Fairly good by nothing that stands out as life changing.
3:16 - Max Lucado
This was an awesome book. I would love to give this book to all my friends. So much rich truth, so well written. I love Max.
This is a great book and very worthwhile. Sort of a bathroom book that you could pick up and read anytime anywhere in the book and have fun. Neil has a great way of writing and helps us see all the fun moments in life. I laughed out loud many times and shared so much of this book with my family that they were probably sick of it by the time I was done reading it. Awesome!
The E-Myth Revisited - Michael Gerber
A very challenging book. I am not totally sure what I think of all his ideas yet but they are extremely stretching and profound. Great for anyone trying to run their own business.
Become a Better You - Joel Osteen
I read this book for several reasons. 1. I found it for $1! 2. I have heard so much about this guy and never read anything by him. 3. I really do think the message of positive thinking is helpful and much of it comes from the Bible, so when I can learn from the positive thinking guys, I try to. All in all, I thought the book was great. A bit corny at times for sure, especially when asking you to say positive lines over and over to yourself. But some powerful truths and illustrations and lots of great use of scripture (not misuse or misquoting as he is sometimes accused of). I would not model my ministry after this guy but I do appreciate him and the truths that he brings forward. I am thankful for the things God has used him to teach me and I hope to continue to listen to and read Joel Osteen and keep learning.
5 Essentials for Lifelong Intimacy: Dr. James Dobson
A very good short marriage book. Excellently done. Probably worth reading with my wife sometime.
Humilitas - John Dickson
I really liked this book. A very simple, powerful book on humility. An excellent read for anyone!
Onward - Howard Schultz
Wow, one of the best business books I have read in a while. Lots of wisdom here and I would love to read this again. This book relays the story of Starbucks fall and rise through the current economic crisis. Great stuff.
Reveal - Greg Hawkins & Cally Parkinson
This book rocked my world. I am definitely going to read this again and may read it with my staff. So challenging and convicting. It shares how people grow and what it takes to help them grow. Lots of church and personal application. May God grant me the grace to apply this in our church and in my own life!