What makes my church unique? Here are a few things I love...
1. It's multi-cultural. Almost every time new people come to our church they comment on how cool it is that we are so multi-cultural. Of course, we don't always even notice because it's normal to us. By Canadian standards Moose Jaw is not a really multi-cultural city...unless you come to Victory Church. What a joy to see people from dozens of different cultures coming together to worship the King of Kings.
2. High Energy. Coming to a place where we celebrate the goodness of God and His gospel of love ought to be a place of life, joy and passion. Dry, boring, and slow are not words that describe our church or our services. It's great to come to a place and be a part of a place that lifts and encourages people.
3. Transformation. We are a "high grace", "high challenge" people. That is, we value high levels of grace and acceptance where people can come as they are and be authentic and real about their struggles. We are human, we mess up and blow it lots. But we don't wallow in our brokenness. We are a people that challenge one another to grow and change. We have a culture of learning. We are constantly pressing forward for personal change and corporate change. Want to stay in a safe, low challenge environment where not much changes? We're not the place for you. But if you want to be somewhere that you are challenged to believe that with God you can change anything and everything about yourself that needs improvement...welcome to the family!
4. Generational. We love and invest in young people. We love and honour the elderly. We are a family friendly place (in fact, we are sometimes overwhelmed with tons of fun little kids!). We invest heavily in children and youth ministries and believe they are a huge part of our stewarding the call of God on our church. We work hard at encouraging generations to invest in and receive from one another. We are setting up the next generation for success in God.
5. City Loving. We have a heart for our city. We long to see God's Kingdom established more and more in our community. We partner together with other groups who have the same vision to see God reign in our area and we love doing whatever we can to express God's love to our community.
6. God-saturated. We are utterly convinced that we need God for and with everything we are and do. We are apologetically Bible saturated, prayer saturated, worship saturated and Jesus-centered. We actually believe that Jesus really is the answer to human beings deepest problems.
7. Serving, Giving and helping those in need. We are dedicated to giving and being generous in ways that actually cost us sacrifice and personal discomfort. We give to missions locally and internationally. We are constantly looking for ways to be a blessing within our fellowship, within our community and within our world.
8. Writing the last seven things has made me feel somewhat guilty as I know our faults and "underbelly" is far from perfect. All of the above things are indeed unique traits of VCMJ and part of who God has called us to be in this community at this time. But we do none of them perfectly and long to do them all far better. We are an imperfect group of people who get the privilege of working with God to establish something beautiful land powerful here in Moose Jaw. To see people flourish as they embrace God's person, principles and purposes in their lives. Our future is bright because the Light of the World is our Leader. We do have a vision, we are pressing on to achieve all that God has called us to in Christ.
1. It's multi-cultural. Almost every time new people come to our church they comment on how cool it is that we are so multi-cultural. Of course, we don't always even notice because it's normal to us. By Canadian standards Moose Jaw is not a really multi-cultural city...unless you come to Victory Church. What a joy to see people from dozens of different cultures coming together to worship the King of Kings.
2. High Energy. Coming to a place where we celebrate the goodness of God and His gospel of love ought to be a place of life, joy and passion. Dry, boring, and slow are not words that describe our church or our services. It's great to come to a place and be a part of a place that lifts and encourages people.
3. Transformation. We are a "high grace", "high challenge" people. That is, we value high levels of grace and acceptance where people can come as they are and be authentic and real about their struggles. We are human, we mess up and blow it lots. But we don't wallow in our brokenness. We are a people that challenge one another to grow and change. We have a culture of learning. We are constantly pressing forward for personal change and corporate change. Want to stay in a safe, low challenge environment where not much changes? We're not the place for you. But if you want to be somewhere that you are challenged to believe that with God you can change anything and everything about yourself that needs improvement...welcome to the family!
4. Generational. We love and invest in young people. We love and honour the elderly. We are a family friendly place (in fact, we are sometimes overwhelmed with tons of fun little kids!). We invest heavily in children and youth ministries and believe they are a huge part of our stewarding the call of God on our church. We work hard at encouraging generations to invest in and receive from one another. We are setting up the next generation for success in God.
5. City Loving. We have a heart for our city. We long to see God's Kingdom established more and more in our community. We partner together with other groups who have the same vision to see God reign in our area and we love doing whatever we can to express God's love to our community.
6. God-saturated. We are utterly convinced that we need God for and with everything we are and do. We are apologetically Bible saturated, prayer saturated, worship saturated and Jesus-centered. We actually believe that Jesus really is the answer to human beings deepest problems.
7. Serving, Giving and helping those in need. We are dedicated to giving and being generous in ways that actually cost us sacrifice and personal discomfort. We give to missions locally and internationally. We are constantly looking for ways to be a blessing within our fellowship, within our community and within our world.
8. Writing the last seven things has made me feel somewhat guilty as I know our faults and "underbelly" is far from perfect. All of the above things are indeed unique traits of VCMJ and part of who God has called us to be in this community at this time. But we do none of them perfectly and long to do them all far better. We are an imperfect group of people who get the privilege of working with God to establish something beautiful land powerful here in Moose Jaw. To see people flourish as they embrace God's person, principles and purposes in their lives. Our future is bright because the Light of the World is our Leader. We do have a vision, we are pressing on to achieve all that God has called us to in Christ.