In the Gospels, Jesus never seemed too interested in fans.
He’s looking for followers.
Followers who understand that…
There is no forgiveness without repentance.
There is no salvation without surrender.
There is no life without death.
There is no believing without following.
Twenty times in the New Testament, Jesus Christ issued a compelling and challenging invitation: “Follow Me.” Jesus is not interested in mere fans. He doesn’t want enthusiastic admirers. He wants completely committed followers.
How do you define your relationship with Him?
An "enthusiastic admirer"?
Close enough to Jesus to get the benefits but not so close to require sacrifice?
How would things change if you lived as Jesus lived, and loved the way He loved?

He’s looking for followers.
Followers who understand that…
There is no forgiveness without repentance.
There is no salvation without surrender.
There is no life without death.
There is no believing without following.
Twenty times in the New Testament, Jesus Christ issued a compelling and challenging invitation: “Follow Me.” Jesus is not interested in mere fans. He doesn’t want enthusiastic admirers. He wants completely committed followers.
How do you define your relationship with Him?
An "enthusiastic admirer"?
Close enough to Jesus to get the benefits but not so close to require sacrifice?
How would things change if you lived as Jesus lived, and loved the way He loved?