Here are the books I read in April. The last one, "The Circle Maker" may go down as one of the more life-changing books I have read for me personally.
What’s So Amazing About Grace – Philip Yancey
This was a phenomenal book and well worth the read. Very challenging, very engaging. Powerful stories to help us understand the most incredible reality in the universe. The grace of God! Love it and need it bad!
What’s So Amazing About Grace – Philip Yancey
This was a phenomenal book and well worth the read. Very challenging, very engaging. Powerful stories to help us understand the most incredible reality in the universe. The grace of God! Love it and need it bad!
Leader Within – Ken Blanchard and more
Lots of interesting material here to help the leader figure out our unique wiring and lead from who God made us rather than from who we think we are supposed to be. Fairly well done but a bit long and boring.
Saviour – A.J. Gregory
I really enjoyed this book. Gut wrenching honesty about doubts, God and suffering. We need more honest Christians who wrestle with tough questions and don't settle for easy answers. Thanks AJ!
Pro-Life Pastoral Handbook – Brian Clowes
Wow! Some strong views in here. I didn't agree with everything but I did really appreciate some well laid out arguments and love the fact that these folks are working hard to save babies lives!
of the Mind – Joyce Meyer
This book is a classic for good reason. Whatever you think of this lady and her ministry this book should be required reading for every Christian. It is wonderful material and although again it has some controversial parts and not many readers would agree with every page; it still deals with essential truths in powerful ways that I have rarely seen done this well. Get it and read it!
Circle Maker – Mark Batterson
Ok, this is one of the books that God used to shake my world. I am so challenged by this book and it's message. I can't wait to read it again and allow God to do a deeper work in me through it. This will definitely be a book club book at our church. This book deals with prayer and faith in a radical and challenging way without being weird or imbalanced. I needed this and it has awakened a revival in me.