Friday, February 12, 2021

Why Inputs Matter and Some Podcast Recommendations

 Last summer my 20-year-old daughter looked at me as I was sitting on the couch, reading a book, and said, "Dad, I found something for you." She was looking at her smartphone and then proceeded to show me an app called, "Couch Potato to 5K." Now running is not something I have ever enjoyed or even been remotely attracted to. In fact, I hate running. I love sports and competition but exercise without someone to beat has always seemed like torture to me. However, in a moment of weakness, I told her that if she would do it, I would too, and to my shock and horror, she said she would. No one on this earth could get me to try running except my sweet daughter and so we began. It was every bit as torturous as I imagined but at least we were suffering together and I enjoyed the shared experience. After a few weeks, I got sick and had to quit for a few days and when I was finally ready to get back at it our schedules no longer lined up. However, somehow, the habit stuck. When winter approached I started running on a treadmill and now I run a few times every week. My daughter got me running... but do you know what kept me running? Podcasts. I know it sounds weird but although I listened to one or two podcasts each week before, now I listen to a few every single day and I absolutely love it. I love having another mode of positive input in my life. Here is the reality, our lives move in the direction of the inputs we bring them. Our hearts are feeding on the inputs we choose. Psalm 1, Matthew 6, Luke 6, Romans 8 and so many more passages talk about the value and power of inputs. How much time do we spend on TV, Facebook, Netflix, books, etc.? What are we feeding on there? What will the LONG TERM results be? Where will it take us? This is not an option, it is an inevitability. You can't feed on trash and produce beauty! 

Anyway, enough of my preaching. I find this a huge battle in my life to manage my inputs and podcasts have helped. So let me recommend a few. 

For preaching I really enjoy...

1. Chris Hodges from Church of the Highlands

2. Craig Groeschel from Life Church

3. JD Greear from Summit Church

4. Rick Warren from Saddleback

5. Tim Keller

6. Mark Batterson from National Community Church

7. Stephen Furtick / Levi Lusko / Judah Smith / Andy Stanley / Louie Giglio

For Leadership I really enjoy:

1. Craig Groeschel Leadership 

2. Emotionally Healthy Leader - Pete Scazerro

3. Focus on this

4. Carey Nieuwhof - Leadership

5. Vanderbloomin

6. Dream Big - Bob Goff

7. Unseminary / Battle Ready (Erwin McManus) / Church Pulse Weekly / Catalyst / At The Table (Patrick Lencioni) / H3 Leadership / Leaderfluent (Blandino)

Of course, we'd love you to check our Victory Church Moose Jaw sermons podcast as well as our new equipping podcast. I also love picking a conference that has been podcasted and listening to all the talks - my favorite so far is the ARC conferences. 

My suggestion? Pick one podcast from each of the above categories (ie. one preaching, one leadership, and one from the last paragraph) and listen to 5 or 10 of their productions. If you are loving it, listen to as many as you can until you are sick of it. Then pick another one from each category and keep going. Some podcasts I listen to every single one they have available (2-3 years worth sometimes) and some I only listen to a few. I hope you can enjoy and benefit from this new form of positive input. It has been such a huge blessing in my life. 

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Book Recommendations from my Best Reads in 2020

Here is a list of some of the best books I read this year. I will BOLD the ones I highly recommend and leave a few notes about them. So many of the non-bolded ones were fantastic too - so all of these books are recommended but I tried to highlight only 20. 

Take the Stairs – Rory Vaden : I loved this book. Simple advice on life success. 

Nine Lies about Work: Marcus Buckingham

Half Time - Bob Buford : I have read this book multiple times. It's a classic and a life changer. 

Confidence – Tomas Chomorro : Very intriguing book about how LOW confidence actually helps us. So counter-cultural! So fun!

Live Fearless – Sadie Robertson

What’s Next – Chris Hodges : I love everything this guy does. His sermons, his church (Church of the Highlands), his leadership material, his books - all so good! Fantastic material that every follower of Jesus should read. 

The Jesus creed – Scot Mcknight

Church Growth Flywheel – Rich Birch

The Jesus Experience – Bill Perkins

John Commentaries – x 5

The Jesus Life – Stephen W. Smith

Divine Direction – Craig Groeschel

Regrace – Frank Viola

The Primes

Teaming – Amy Edmundson

Who is this Man – John Ortberg

The Jesus I never knew – Philip Yancey

Jesus the King - Tim Keller : Fantastic book that will help you get to know Jesus better. 

The End of Religion – Bruxey Cavey : A great and edgy challenge. Be ready to be offended and transformed. 

Portraits of Christ – Laird (John)

Jesus is… Judah Smith : Judah Smith has a way of communicating that gets right to my heart. He shares about God's love and grace in a balanced and yet over the top powerful way. I highly recommend this book. 

State of the online church – Jay Kranda

Seeing and Savouring Christ – Piper : Everything by Piper is fantastic.

Jesus – Pure and Simple - Wayne Cordiero

Laugh Again - Charles Swindoll : Everyone should read at least a couple of Swindoll books at some point. This guy is one of my ministry heroes. Many of his sermons hit home for me like almost no one else's preaching. 

Better than Before – Gretchen Rubin

Leadership Strategy and Tactics – Jocko Willink : I was pleasantly surprised by how applicable this book is for everyone. Definitely a high recommend

Your New Money Mindset – Brad Hewitt and James Malone

Crushing - TD Jakes

SOAR – TD Jakes

Extreme Ownership  – Jocko Willink : I loved this book. I wish every leader could read it. I have bought 8 copies so far for others to read and handed them out. My son Joel and I had a blast reading and reflecting together on this book and the one above by Jocko. 

Success From the Inside Out – Nona Jones : This is another top book of the year for me. I literally wept and wept as I read it. The transforming power of Jesus is so evident here. I highly recommend this book for everyone. 

Phil – Commentary – Barclay

Phil – Commentary – Life Application

Phil – Commentary – Weisrbe

Phil – Commentary – Briscoe

 Real Life Discipleship Training Manuel – Jim Putman

Discipleshift – Jim Putmann

Joy – CS Lewis

The Dangerous Duty of Delight – John Piper

You’ll get through this – Max Lucado

Leadershift – John Maxwell

The Release of the Spirit – Watchman Nee

Talk like TED

Waking the Dead – John Eldredge

How to Get a Date Worth Keeping – Henry Cloud - Just to clarify. I am happily married. I read these books as I prepared for a series of sermons I was preaching on this topic. This one by Cloud really blew my mind, he had a fresh perspective that I think might be helpful for some Christians stuck in a "non-dating" mode. 

New Rules for Love, sex and dating – Andy Stanley : This is a classic that every single should read. 

Beginners Pluck - Liz Bohanon

Spiritual Leadership – J Oswald Sanders : One of the top 3 leadership books of all time. Every Christian leader must read this book. 

Apostolic Advancement – Various Victory Asia Authors

Leadership Can Be Taught – Sharon Parks

Irresistible – Andy Stanley

Happiness – Henry Cloud

Proverbs – Kroll

Get Wise – Bob Merritt : The best book on wisdom I have read. I have read this book several times and given it to many people. 

The Intangibles of Leadership – Richard Davis

Prayer: The Key to Revival – Cho : My favourite book on prayer of all time. 

Prayer is the Answer – Various (Bounds / Murray / Wesley)

30 Days of Prayer – Spurgeon

Walking in Wisdom – Dr. Raymond Barber

The Problem is You – John Burke

Friday, November 6, 2020

The Covid Advantage – 5 Trends That Will Drive Church Growth in the New Era

 The Covid Advantage – 5 Trends That Will Drive Church Growth in the New Era 

God turns all things (even evil things) for good when we co-operate with Him. 

We see this in the story of Joseph: “You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.” Genesis 50:20 

Joseph tells his brothers, “Even though this was an evil and terrible thing you did, God has had an awesome purpose in it all! God’s good purpose has prevailed over your evil purposes.” 

We see it again in John 9: In John 9 the disciples see the suffering of a blind man and ask Jesus who sinned to cause this? Jesus answers, “You’re asking the wrong question. You’re looking for someone to blame. There is no such cause-effect here. Look instead for what God can do. We need to be energetically at work for the One who sent me here, working while the sun shines.” (John 9:3-4 - The Message) 

Jesus invites the disciples to stop asking why the suffering is happening and start finding God’s purpose in the suffering. In both Joseph’s story and in John 9, God’s servants have a responsibility to co-operate with His purposes to bring about the good in their negative circumstances. 

So how can we find the opportunity for God’s purposes in the midst of this pandemic? How can we, like Joseph, co-operate with God’s purposes in the midst of this trial? Here are five trends that are developing as we move through Covid-19 that at first seem negative but if we will co-operate with God’s purposes, they can be leveraged to advance the gospel and grow the church. 

Trend # 1: Declining commitment to attending church.
Opportunity: Engagement is the new connector. 

People used to attend church because they “should”. But increasingly, even those who regularly attend are attending far less often. They may continue to claim a church as their “home church” but rarely darken the door. Covid has accelerated this trend. 

So how can we adjust our thinking to encourage greater commitment to attendance? 

Old thinking: “People who keep attending will eventually get involved (engaged with small groups, serving, attend ministry events).” This is no longer true. 

New thinking: People who get involved (engaged – especially in serving) will eventually commit to attending. “Engagement drives attendance” not “attendance drives engagement.” 

Why does this work? People believe they have better things to do than to “attend church”. But if they are on a team - making a difference – attending church IS the better thing that they have to do. Why? Because it’s not just attending – it’s “being a part of something God is doing, making a difference and serving”. People want purpose. They want to be a part of something that is making a difference. They want to be on a team. 

We can’t wait for someone to commit to our church before they are invited to serve. That is backwards, they will only commit to attending church once they have begun to serve. Great Sunday services are not enough to keep them connected and coming back. People need purpose! 

Engagement is the new driver of attendance. 

Thoughts about how to take advantage of this opportunity? 

1. Don’t berate people for not attending church – instead boldly invite people to get in on the mission. 

2. Don’t apologize for there being a lot of work – instead give people meaningful jobs to do and thank them for making a difference. 

3. Make sure you tie every job to meaning – “what you did today made it so we could reach people together… thank you!” Don’t tell them just how it will benefit them – tell them how they are benefitting others – Ie, “By *attending today, you encouraged me and all these people here.” *or by smiling, being welcoming, worshipping passionately, showing up on time (or just showing up…lol), saying hi, overlooking someone’s faults, crossing a cultural barrier (age, race, economic etc.), commenting, sharing, “liking”, praying, inviting, 

4. Be clear on our mission – state it every single service and every single e-mail and every single chance you get. State it not as your own but as owned together. State it as an invitation to join. 

5. Think of other ways to “engage” people – home groups, men’s and women’s ministry, etc. – we used to think of these as steps “beyond” church attendance – now we need to think of them as steps “towards” church attendance. 

Trend #2: Chaos, instability, polarization and volatility.
Opportunity: Stability is the new attraction. 

Understanding this trend: We are swimming in change. Swimming in controversy. Swimming in opinions. People are more polarized over more issues than ever before. We are longing for something to steady us – not another opinion to sway us – not even another opinion to agree with us – but a non-anxious presence. A reassurance. A strength that goes way deeper and more foundational than the shouting of protests and preachers. A compass that shows true north. Whether people know it or not, they are looking for an anchor, something that is sure and steady in the storm. So how can we adjust our thinking to help people feel grounded in the storm? 

Old Thinking: Do something bold and controversial to get people’s attention.
New Thinking: Offer people a place to be free from the chaos and find rest, peace, hope, and confidence in Jesus.

What hasn’t changed:
1. The gospel is still the power of God for transforming lives
2. God is still building His church and it will prevail against the gates of hell
3. The church still needs humble, servant-hearted, passionate, persevering leadership
4. The mission is still the great commission
5. God is still on His throne – He is in charge and we must trust steadily in Him in the storms. 

Be careful of squeaky wheels. There are a few crazy people in the world and the internet has given them a new boldness and a new megaphone – but they don’t deserve your attention. They don’t need a response. They don’t represent as large a group as it seems. If you oppose them or you join them - you will lose – they are little foxes with big barks. Focus on your calling, focus on our God. 

Trend #3: Increasing loneliness and relational voids.
Opportunity: Relational connection is our competitive advantage. 

If there is anything the church is supposed to be great at and known for, this is it. We won’t win when we compete with the world for entertainment or many other things but when it comes to loving relationships – that is our sweet spot! People are overwhelmed with crowds and even with small social interactions, but they are so thirsty for any connection at all. This was a trend before Covid and Covid has accelerated it. 

Due to Covid, services are smaller. That can be great! Due to Covid, people are stuck at home, that can be great! Due to Covid, people are online more. That can be great! It can be great IF we can find ways to take advantage of these things for relational connections. 

Here are a few ways we brainstormed in a leadership team at VCMJ: 

1. Small services: Increased opportunities for better connections and interactions. I have had conversations with people I would never have had conversations with before. There is a whole new arena of ministry opened up to us. 

2. Registration for services: We get an extra chance to greet each person who comes to our services. We get to learn and say their names. We can track attendance, newcomers, etc.. 

3. Care calling: People are more open to receiving a call and a prayer than previously. 

4. Online interactions: People are sending more e-mails, messages, texts, and online comments than before. We can use these for relationships. 

 Trend #4: Increasing challenges with emotional health.
Opportunity: Bring this conversation into the church. 

Interest in emotional health is at an all-time high. The people you think are “healthy and successful” are struggling with their own emotional and mental health. People are more willing than ever to admit their need. Therefore, speaking into the felt needs of fear, anxiety, stress, esteem, and depression with clear, compelling, compassionate GOSPEL answers is an amazing new opportunity. It is important to acknowledge that as pastors and leaders, we are grappling with the same challenges. We can offer the Answer not as ones who are superior and have it all figured out, but as fellow sojourners. 

People are hungry for good news. We can provide places where: 

- It is safe to be vulnerable, to wrestle with our challenges and not feel shamed or judged 

- We are lifted, strengthened, encouraged, built up, offered joy, etc. 

- There is hope and healing 

Trend # 5 Opportunity: Whenever you or your leaders find new things to complain about or be frustrated about, ask some questions to see if you can “flip the script”. 

This is not just an exercise in positive thinking, it is an invitation for God to take the difficult and evil things happening to us and turn them for good. 

What is frustrating me right now? (or what is making it “impossible” for us to do effective ministry?) Ask how this might be able to be used to serve God’s purposes? 

Summary: 5 opportunities from negative trends 

1. Trend: Declining attendance – Opportunity: Engagement drives attendance – Let’s get people engaged in the mission. 

2. Trend: Chaos and change – Opportunity: Stability is attractive – Let’s offer people a place to find peace in the storm. 

3. Trend: Loneliness and isolation – Opportunity: Make relational connections – Let’s make love our competitive advantage. 

4. Trend: Fear, stress, etc. on the rise – Opportunity: Bring emotional health in the church – Let’s engage the gospel to reach this felt need. 

5. Any problem you are facing – let’s invite God to turn it into an opportunity.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Jesu Ni Uhai

At 15 years old my life was changed in the most radical way possible when I found out that what my heart was longing for was not stuff or popularity or girls or family or fun. My heart was aching with longing for meaning and I was keenly aware of the meaninglessness of life lived for all of the things this world had to offer. One night, lying in a tent in the jungles of Florida at a youth camp I found myself in a crisis moment and prayed that God would make Himself real to me. When I woke up I had a sense that something had changed, I grabbed a Bible and opened it up. My eyes fell on these words of Jesus, "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30
As I read the words, "rest for your souls", I felt like my heart was going to explode! I suddenly realized that what my heart was longing for was a Person and His name was Jesus. What money and friendships and family and pleasures could not do, Jesus could. What I needed was not anything this world had to offer, what I needed was Jesus. I began that day to feast my soul on the greatest banquet imaginable. I began to find my joy and satisfaction and meaning and life in my relationship with Him. I discovered that Jesus Himself is meaning, He is joy, He is peace, He is what our hearts actually long for and need! I told everyone I could find at camp. I wrote letters to every person I had addresses for back home. I wanted everyone to know the greatest discovery of my life. When I finally went back to my home a month later I began to tell my friends and family and anyone who would listen. I walked the streets of my city, the buses, the trains, the restaurants, even going door to door from house to house just telling everyone I could find who would listen. Most people graciously listened, a few even listened enough to taste this reality for themselves and were changed like I was. They too found Jesus to be their life and joy and meaning. My classmates, my teachers, my church, my parents all encouraged me and even helped me learn how to share with more graciousness, gentleness and wisdom. I graduated from high school and went to Bible College with the plan to spend my life telling people all over the world about the all-satisfying nature of Jesus and having a relationship with Him.
After my first year of college I travelled to Kenya to tell people about Jesus. In Kenya I had the wonderful opportunity of speaking in the open air to crowds of 200-500 people twice a day for a few weeks. Hundreds of people joyfully received Jesus as their meaning and life and peace and I knew I wanted to do this for the rest of my life. 20 years later, I found myself in Kenya again training and teaching pastors how to bring people to Jesus. I had a wonderful time again and fell in love again with the beautiful people and country. Leaving Kenya 20 years later was emotional for me. In a small airport in Kisumu as I was going through security I absentmindedly forgot that the bottle of water in my hand was a forbidden as a liquid to go with me. The guard stopped me and pointed at my bottle of water. He let me know that I couldn't take it with me. I stopped and asked him where the closest garbage was so that I could throw it in. He told me not to throw it away but to take the time to drink it (even though there was a line of people behind me waiting). And then he spoke these words, "Maji Ni Uhai" - "Water is Life". I love learning vocabulary of languages when I travel and though I knew each of these words I had never heard them put together in this sentence before. He told me this was a very important saying in a hot, dry country like Kenya. As soon as I realized what he was saying it dawned on me. Jesu Ni Uhai!!! Jesus is life! That was the lesson I learned 25 years ago in the jungles of Florida. It was the message I had shared with anyone and everyone who would listen in my youthful days in my home city. It was the message I had brought to Kenya 20 years earlier. It was still the message I was teaching others to share in Kenya now and it was the message I wanted my whole life to be about.
I am 42 years old now. I still discover every single day that this world can't satisfy. I still rediscover every single day that Jesus alone can fill my heart and that if I will drink of Him who is the Living Water I will not thirst but be truly satisfied. Jesus is life! Jesu Ni Uhai! 

"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Taking on The New Year

2017 is closing and a new year is upon us.
What are you thankful for from 2017?
What do you need to put behind you?
What are you looking forward to in 2018?

As I have been praying for this coming year over the last couple weeks, I have been challenged to make this a year of transformation. For me and those I love and influence it is a year to challenge the status quo. It is a year to determine we will not be the same or stay the same. It is a year to be dissatisfied with the way things are and to create and press into new things. It is a year for radical change. It is a year for fruitfulness like we have never seen before. I am praying for fruitfulness in our lives in three areas.

1. Character - May God produce the fruit of the Spirit, increased holiness, hope and love in your life like never before. This is a year to be formed into the image of Christ.
2. Good deeds - May God show you how your life will shine good works for His glory like never before in this coming year. This is a year to preform the works of Christ and live in the purposes of Christ for your life.
3.  Changed Lives - May God use you to be a witness and show the Person and reality of Jesus to those who don't know Him. This is a year to bear the fruit of the gospel and lead people to Jesus like never before.

The only way for us to bear this kind of fruit and to engage in this kind of radical change and transformation is for us to stay absolutely rooted. Rooted in our relationship with Christ, rooted in His church, rooted in His Word and prayer. I encourage you as you begin this new year to root yourself deeply into these things and determine you will not be moved. From this place of being rooted in the unchangeable you will be able to engage the change that is needed in your own heart and then through your life in this world.

"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." Colossians 2:6-7

ishing you a Happy New Year. I look forward to seeing the transformation God will do in our lives this coming year!

How are you planning to see change and transformation in your life this year? What are you praying for?