Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Taking on The New Year

2017 is closing and a new year is upon us.
What are you thankful for from 2017?
What do you need to put behind you?
What are you looking forward to in 2018?

As I have been praying for this coming year over the last couple weeks, I have been challenged to make this a year of transformation. For me and those I love and influence it is a year to challenge the status quo. It is a year to determine we will not be the same or stay the same. It is a year to be dissatisfied with the way things are and to create and press into new things. It is a year for radical change. It is a year for fruitfulness like we have never seen before. I am praying for fruitfulness in our lives in three areas.

1. Character - May God produce the fruit of the Spirit, increased holiness, hope and love in your life like never before. This is a year to be formed into the image of Christ.
2. Good deeds - May God show you how your life will shine good works for His glory like never before in this coming year. This is a year to preform the works of Christ and live in the purposes of Christ for your life.
3.  Changed Lives - May God use you to be a witness and show the Person and reality of Jesus to those who don't know Him. This is a year to bear the fruit of the gospel and lead people to Jesus like never before.

The only way for us to bear this kind of fruit and to engage in this kind of radical change and transformation is for us to stay absolutely rooted. Rooted in our relationship with Christ, rooted in His church, rooted in His Word and prayer. I encourage you as you begin this new year to root yourself deeply into these things and determine you will not be moved. From this place of being rooted in the unchangeable you will be able to engage the change that is needed in your own heart and then through your life in this world.

"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." Colossians 2:6-7

ishing you a Happy New Year. I look forward to seeing the transformation God will do in our lives this coming year!

How are you planning to see change and transformation in your life this year? What are you praying for?