Our faith is constantly in motion. Some things we are becoming more convinced of, some things we are becoming less convinced of. Everyone has faith, things they really believe without "5 sense evidence" (I can't see it but I believe it). Many of our beliefs are not solid, they are in transition...somewhere between "I really believe this" and "I don't believe this at all." This is not a bad thing; we are human beings on a journey, not in one static position. But it does create confusion. Some people would like to think that all their beliefs are "rock solid", I think they are deceiving themselves. Others would like to think that all their beliefs are in flux, not really steady (these people sometimes call themselves agnostics), I think these people are deceiving themselves too.
The reality is that we all have some things we really believe to the core of our being, some beleifs that are in transition, and some beliefs that we reject altogether.
I think it is useful to honestly ask, "What are my core beliefs?". If you don't know what they are you feel as if you are on very shaky ground. For me, I need to get away and spend time in reflection to find my core beliefs. I usually have to face all my doubts and wrestle with my thoughts and prayers. Finally, after a while, my core beliefs begin to surface as the clutter of my mind and heart are stripped away.
My core beliefs have to do with...(in order of how core they are to me)
1. Authenticity is the only way to find truth.
2. Jesus Christ is a real person who invites me into a satisfying relationship with Himself.
3. Joy is a real possibility regardless of circumstances.
4. Every person is someone who has a soul. They are more than a body, there in someone inside that body who needs love and fulfillment.
5. Life is a journey filled with pain and struggle for everyone in which God is overseeing a grand story that I only have a small picture of.