Saturday, October 10, 2009

Reading, Reading and More Reading

I love learning and growing. My hobby is collecting and reading books. Admittedly, I have gotten less reading done since the Flames began hockey season again. This morning I just finished reading the Bible and journaling, and then read a chapter of a book and my heart feels full. Ahhhhhhh.

I track the books I read; it's fun to look back and see the books I have read over the last few months and years. Funny thing is, sometimes I don't remember a thing about them when I look at the title. I feel bad until I realize I don't remember most conversations, sermons, articles, etc...but they still impact me.

Here are the books I read last month (September, 2009).

Well Intentioned Dragons – Marshall Shelley
A great book for leaders and pastors in churches. Helps us not feel so alone when being attacked by people and gives us some wisdom on how to handle problem people.
Covenant Relationships – Dr George Hill
This guy continues to be one of the greatest leaders of our day. This is his flagship book, what he calls his "life message". It's worthwhile.
Building Stronger Marriages and Families – Billy Joe Daugherty
Better than I expected; lots of little tidbits of wisdom.
Strong Families – Charles Swindoll
It's no wonder he is a bestseller. This guy is absolutely brilliant.
The Dip – Seth Godin
My current favourite non-Christian writer. Fun to read, good material, and useful in many applications.
Go Team! Take your team to the next level – Ken Blanchard
Not a bad book. Basically about empowerment and servant-leadership. Describes well that changing an organization or group to a team model takes time and effort and can't just happen overnight. He encourages a several-year process. Helped me be more realistic in some of the change efforts I am working on.
Strike the Original Match – Charles Swindoll
Still amazing, not quite as good as "Strong Families", but you can't really ever go wrong with my buddy Chuck. (No, I have never met him, but he keeps calling and asking if he can fly to Moose Jaw in his private jet and get my advice on some things. So far I haven't had time, but I will try to squeeze him in soon.)
Spirit-Controlled Family Living – Tim and Beverly Lahaye
This book was the most suprising read of the month. An old book sitting on the shelf never expecting to be read. I read it and loved it. Best family book I have read in awhile.
The Prodigal God – Tim Keller
This guy is taking the world by storm right now. One of the most theologically astute, intellectually honest, and yet culturally relevant guys in the pastoring circuit. I highly reccomend this book to anyone, especially those seeking for the truth about Christianity.
Reveal – Greg Hawkins
This series of books is very helpful to pastors. Based on massive research; gets you thinking. Felt a little overwhelmed and challenged by the time I was done.
Made to Stick – Chip and Dan Heath
Secular bestseller for good reason. Lots of cool stories and analogies. Great material for teachers and marketers. These guys are coming out with a new book on change soon, called "Switch". I read a pre-released copy and it is the best book on change I have ever read.
Our Iceberg is Melting – John Kotter
A fun fictional book (fable) on change management by the most well respected teacher and writer on the subject. We did this book as a book club book in my church; sold 27 copies and got phenomenal response.
Gifted to Lead – The art of leading as women in the church – Nancy Beach
I actually cried a couple of times reading this. A very moving account of one of the great women leaders in the church today. Definitely a must read for any woman who feels called to senior leadership in the church.
10 Ten Stupid Things That Keep Churches from Growing – Geoff Surratt
Fun read. Great advice. Could easily skip to the chapter you are interested in/struggling with and only read it. Works as a reference book. Definitely should be on the shelf of smart (not stupid) church leaders.

Happy reading! Happy Thanksgiving!