Friday, September 10, 2010

Our Vision in 12 Words

To Become A Team That Works Together To Reach People For Christ

In 12 words, that is the vision for our church. I dream that we would be a team of people who work together to reach our friends, co-workers, neighbours and family for Christ.

Being a team means that each one of us is involved. Each of us has a part to play and each of us working together are far more powerful than any of us individually.

Working together means that there really is work to be done. The church is not a club to hang out at and vegetate. It is a mission station to be sent from to get real work done. Being a part of the Victory team may not be easy, but it will be a challenging adventure.

Reaching people for Christ means that we genuinely believe that Jesus is working in and wants to continue to work in the life of every person in Moose Jaw. Each Moose Javian is on a spiritual journey and God is reaching out to them. We want to help facilitate their journey towards God through Christ.

But it doesn't end there. Reaching a person for Christ only begins when they find Him. The next step is for them to change their lives as they respond to God's word and bring every area of their lives under the Lordship of Christ. When this happens they find themselves living more and more free, joyful, loving lives, or another way to say it is that after they find Christ, they need to discover how to flourish in Christ. Finally, reaching people for Christ includes helping them discover their unique purpose and calling in God's kingdom. Each and every person can know the thrill and joy of being an instrument in God's hand to bring His love to others. This I call being fruitful. So...I know this part is a little more wordy but I summarize reaching people for Christ as helping people find Christ, flourish in Christ and be fruitful for Christ.

Imagine if there was a team of people radically committed to allowing God to use them to reach their friends, neighbours, co-workers and family for Christ. Imagine if God used us to help hundreds of people find Christ, flourish in Christ and then be fruitful for Christ.

God would get glory. Lives would get transformed. The church would prevail.

Want to join our team?