Monday, December 5, 2011

Books Of November

Here are some great books that I read last month.

Developing Leadership Abilities – Arthur Bell and Dayle Smith  
Tons of great and practical leadership advice. Not Christian but the principles could have come straight from the Bible. A good book for anyone wanting pure leadership development material.

The 21 Day Dad Challenge – Carey Casey   
This book was fun and challenging. Hearing from many different dads what we can and should do to serve our families. Some parts very convicting, I have a long way to go baby.

Journey to Significance – Neil Cole 
Wow, this book was chalk full of powerful nuggets. It is a review of the Apostle Paul's life and leaderhship and how we can reflect on our own journey and learn. Awesome.

The Story of My Life – Helen Keller 
Neat to hear her story from her perspective. As different as people are; we are still the same in so many ways.

 Courageous Leadership – Bill Hybels     
One of he best leadership books I have ever read. Extremely inspiring. Anyone who thinks they might be called to full time ministry should read the first two chapters. If they don't fire you up to sell all and give your best to the Kingdom well...I don't know what to say. :)

The Leadership Challenge – James Kouzes, Barry Posner   
This is the most thorough book on leadership that I know. The five core practices of leadership here are classic. So much on integrity and credibility that is awesome. Christian guys who write for the business world and have written a secular bestseller. I love it.

Christian Reflections on The Leadership Challenge - James Kouzes, Barry Posner and Various
A much easier and more fun read than the previous book and explains essentially the same stuff.

That's all for November. Not as much reading as usual (maybe because the sun isn't awake as much :)) but every bit as rich. Learning is one of the great joys of living.