Saturday, March 20, 2010

A Case For The Classics

Anyone who follows this blog knows I am passionate about books and reading. I usually have a line up of 4 or 5 books that I am planning to read next. I try to mix up my reading with different styles and topics. Some secular, some Christian; some leadership, some more contemplative; some that are recommended to me, some that I would choose myself. There are always new books on the market that attract my attention and beg me to read them. In order to counter this, I try to read classics fairly regularly.

Here is what I find. Most classics are a feast of great reading. They are usually powerful in content and challenging. Although I have a hard time bringing myself to start them and even sometimes finish them...they more often than not beat out the modern books by a landslide.

Modern books (especially Christian ones) often have one or two totally quirky ideas that are the author's pet concept that they want to espouse. These books will likely never become classics, because it's hard to recommend a book that is "mostly" good.

What got me thinking about this? A modern book that had some great concepts, but some "wonky" ones too! A classic that has been absolutely awesome. Curious? I will tell about the classic in my next blog.